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Old 07-19-2008, 09:53 AM   #13
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Default Satan-flesh-Lee

Just a suggestion, if your going to help us "get it," please slow down the spin you are putting on Lee's flawed teaching.
The teaching may be flawed, but the conclusions you are coming to are so far off in left field that your point has lost its relevance; take a breath, slow down and redefine your point!

Okay Shawn, I'll slow down. We have made more of both Nee and Lee than we ought. Yes, Nee and Lee are/were good brothers in the Lord, but my gosh, should we devote ourselves to them? Why, when devoting to Christ is some much better.

Paul said that saying, "I'm of Paul, I'm of Apollos," is carnal. Are we not then, by following Nee and Lee, being carnal?

If Paul is right, and we add Lee's teaching on Satan -- that Satan dwells in the flesh -- are we not following the flesh -- as Paul states, "being carnal" -- and therefore, according to Lee's teaching, are we not following Satan when we follow Lee.

I'm just taking Lee's teaching to it's logical conclusion, to reveal how completely ridiculous Lee's teaching is. But I like Lee's teaching on Satan. Not because it's right, but because it undoes Lee...and because Lee, thru his teaching on Satan, tells us not to follow him.

To be blunt, the BB's are flesh followers ; they are being carnal. That's no surprise. What's surprising is that people are still following Lee. When Lee failed to deal with his sons carnal ways, Lee revealed that his fruits were actually carnal fruits. So what could he possibly produce but the BB's, that have carried on the carnal tradition established by Lee.

The local church has become no different than all the other sects that were wrong, yet continued on. Take the Millerites as an example. Back in the early 1800's, William Miller predicted the exact date that Jesus would return. He was wrong, made an adjustment, and predicted an exact date again. He was wrong again.

By Old Testament standards he should have been stoned to death, as a false prophet. But that didn't happen. Also, anyone with any sense should have stopped following Miller. But they didn't. We still have the Seventh-day Adventist Church with us today.

Those still following Lee are no different than the Seventh-day Adventists. It's the same thing.

But then, when did following someone depend upon them being right? With the public revelation of all the pedophile priests in the RCC church, you'd think that people would be leaving the RCC in droves. But they didn't and don't leave.

Religion, it seems more often than not, produces a kind of "Stockholm syndrome" in followers, and followers come to love their leader whether he's right or wrong, and continue to follow long after it's been revealed that their leader is totally wrong (like Miller). Like it or not, that is what we have with Lee followers today. They may as well be Millerites. But we have the Seventh-day Adventists with us, so I guess we'll have the Leeites too. What's new? Most Christians are so hung up on the flesh, and following flesh, we may as well call them what they are : fle****es.

Did I slow down enough fer ya, Shawn? And where did you get that I'm trying to be relevant? Do you think I'm trying to develop followers of me, or something? Follow Christ, and only Christ, and stop following flesh, including mine and Lee's. In fact, don't listen to a word I have to say. Have ears to hear, but not my voice...nor Lee's. The shepherd's voice is calling. Can't you hear it? If not, then follow a man, as that's as far as you are going to get without ears to hear.

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