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Old 07-13-2016, 04:21 AM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Alabama
Posts: 18
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

A lot of really good comments over the past couple of days.

@ Renee
I don't have much time to post this AM. My family and I have been, and will continue to pray for you and your daughter. It grieves me to hear of anyone's resistance to Scripture, since the Word of God is the mind and heart of God, so much so that Christ Jesus Himself is called the Word of God.

Another program on BBN and available on-demand from their App is called "Christian Classics". The narrator, Lynn Brooks, simply reads good books. She has read Pilgrim's Progress - an excellent allegory of the struggles of following Christ to the end. Currently she is reading "The Hiding Place", a book about a Christian family that hid Jews from the Nazis in WWII. This may be a very interesting way for her to hear Scriptural truth in a more indirect way if she is resistant or even hostile to directly reading and discussing the Scripture directly.

The Bible is full of plain truth. Yes there are many things that need us to bridge the cultural, linguistic and historical differences between our internet age and the bronze or Iron Age period that people lived in at the time the various books of the Bible were written, but God wrote it to be plain. That doctrine is called "Perspicuity". Which is a fancy word for clear. When you read most of the posts on this forum, they are pretty clear. So it is with the Bible. The main things are the plain things. "Love the Lord". Love the Saints. Jesus got up in the morning and prayed. Jesus touched someone and healed them. Sin brings death. Before Christ people offered sacrifices to approach God. Christ Himself was the final sacrifice. Many plain truths. Some of the most plain are the "hardest" because they call me to change what I think or do.

Gotta run to work.

Lord Jesus, I petition You for Renee and her daughter. Her child is precious to her and You, more than the rest of us, feel exactly how precious she is. You know what both of them need. I pray that you would continue to protect her daughter from physical harm and exploitation - in or out of the LC. I also ask that You would be magnified as the perfect, sinless all-wise One that You are, and that the Word's of WL and all others would be seen as just the Words of men. I ask because You told us to come boldly to the throne of grace to find grace to help in time of need. Please grant both of them humility so that they could receive abundant grace and truth from You through Your Word. Thank You that You rose because the work of redemption is finished. For You and Your revealed purposes I pray. Amen
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