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Old 09-08-2008, 07:30 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
Posts: 5,628

I think it is important for us as believers in Christ to acknowledge one another. At one point we were separated from God, struggling without hope in the world; then by God's grace we acknowledged God's salvation in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Soon we realized there were others, too, and we began to allow the Great Shepherd to aggregate us, to "assemble" us together into a collective representation expressing to some degree His Wonderful Son.

Remember the words of Paul in the 15th chapter of his epistle to the Roman believers, about receiving one another as God has received us in Christ Jesus. This board is about acknowledging one another's spiritual journey in Christ. At least that is what it is about to me. I am willing to discuss macrame if need be. (Don't have much to say on that one, but I will attempt to listen, anyway.) As long as others are not in sin and heresy, we are, I think, duly bound to receive each other.

There are some self-appointed Big Shots who think that if we are "different" from each other we must be kept apart, kept quiet, kept scattered. But the Shepherd gathers; He assembles His body together as He sees fit. So when we acknowledge one another we say "amen" to His assembly, His gathering. We don't have to agree, or even "like" one another. We simply recognize that God so loved these people that He called them into His dear Son. And that is, to me, important.
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