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Old 10-05-2011, 11:54 AM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: Steve Isitt (Indiana) testimony

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
They feel no shame. They think it is right. They are fully under the influence of the heavenLee kool aid, now fortified with vitamin BB. They know that their teachings are correct and blessed by God.

Besides, how can they be wrong when they're so sincere?
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed

Luke 11:21 is appropriate in relation to your post OBW. There is a fortification. Even if Steve is "spot on" in his historical narrative of the local churches, the blended brothers and the co-workers are fortified and fully armed. This also explains why there is no fellowship with Christian assemblies that do not take Living Stream Ministry as the one publication. To be a Christian and indifferent towards "the minstry" LSM publishes is unacceptable. You are either for us or agianst us. There's no middle ground. Of course many on the forum have been aware of this already.
Possessions mentioned in the verse I would equate as the general lay brother and sister in the local churches. The local churches are being guarded from influences of any other ministry, so that the possessions remain undisturbed. What happens when the possessions are disturbed? My response, "the sleeper has awakened". In other words the conscience is no longer passive and dormant, but alert and active. No longer could the conscience be duped by positive sounding words.

"I]Besides, how can they be wrong when they're so sincere?[/I]" I'd say go here and download load the audio link "What if We are decieved?" There's one answer to the question OBW posted.
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