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Old 07-18-2017, 07:51 PM   #17
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
You wrote: Briefly, women in the LC/LSM have no leadership roles. Sure they can 'prophesy', which we used to call 'testify' and play the piano, be in charge of 'childrens meeting', cook, clean and fellowship. That's all I will say about that... no need to discuss it.
I appreciate you inviting me to comment on San Diego, I enjoyed what you wrote about the positive experiences.

Sometimes I envy the children's meeting, they get to play games, cook, run around and have fun. Why can't a man do that? Because he'll be accused of being a pdf file, that's why.

I don't really buy the claims of "oppression" and "sexism" because "women can't be leaders". Not exactly a "third world problem". I think it is very modern American, and acceptable today, but is it scriptural, does it align with early church practice? The Catholic and Orthodox church says no! And many others, until they were infiltrated with "the worlds" idea of how family should be, which includes, two lesbians and a test tube baby. Am I right? "oppression", "sexism", this is an American thing, because I have traveled Asia, and women are quite happy letting men have the leadership role in church. Not all women want to be leaders. Not all women agree with you. They are quite happy letting the men lead at church, and for sure they will "rule the roost" at home.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
As for reaching the LGBTQXYZORST, very, very, VERY few Christians know how to reach them. Why do you think the LBGBTQ community has gone 'viral'? I bet JESUS knows how to reach them. It's a piece of cake to HIM. Nothing is too hard for HIM. But He gave us authority and power, Wisdom, Revelation, and Insight on how to reach them. And we don't know how to use our God given anointing in reaching them. The 'law of sin and death' surely can't! It can't reach the heterosexual person. Ya think the law of sin and death is going to fare better with the LGBTQ community?

Hmmm.. I wonder how Jesus would reach them.

Maybe He would talk about Jeremiah 17:9 to them.. explaining how “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

Perhaps He would explain what it is to be unequally yoked and the danger of being unequally yoked. And His Loving Kindness, compassion, and Love would convict them, not condemn them. Maybe He would tell them all what David went through and how he prayed for God to create in him a clean heart. Who knows what Jesus would say to pull them to HIMSELF.

It's harder because they are taught they are born that way and have science and society to back them up. If you challenge that even by asking them an innocent question they will go on the defensive.

If I had a choice between a normal average person and a person who was a hardened LG whatever, I would choose the average person. Why? Because Jesus chose average people. None of the 12 he chose were extreme sinners, and by that I mean they were not engaged in what God would consider to be an abomination - prostitutes, idolatory, homosexuality etc. If so, at least one of his disciples would have been LGBT. The bible never records Jesus meeting an LGBT person, bible authors were so ashamed they thought it best to omit. That may seem harsh, but it's true. No mention of anything like that. No mention of orgy, homosexuality etc in ancient pagan Rome? I find it hard to believe that it is omitted from the bible because it never happened.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Oh yeah.. and they will make it known!!! I remember a newlywed couple in SAN DIEGO, who were 'counseled' to stop sitting together at the meetings.
It depends on the couple. If they are kissing and what not, I think I will say something to them. It's distracting, it's rude, some want to use the church meeting like a date night, absolutely no interest in what is going on.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Yep.. religion always seems to rear its ugly head... even in the early church!
I don't think it was religion, it was how God ordained it to be, through Paul. The veil is a sign of submission, according to Genesis, God created Adam first then "the woman", who did not even get a proper name until she sinned, becoming known as Eve.
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