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Old 07-21-2016, 09:32 AM   #40
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Default Re: What ever happened to Max Rappaport, John Ingells?

Again I say, no "I did not get involved in the politics of the something new"...I left Denver after three months and went back to California..Yet I met personally with max some years later after the fall away to Denver in 1978 and he invited me to a meeting in Corona but I saw we all were falling more into religion (following a man) so I left completely the fellowship of LC ... I was there in LC of Anaheim from about 1974- 78... I was a shadow among the elders (had close to first hand knowledge of "waz happening") ... I still have cassette tape of BANNED meeting given by Max just prior the parting in 78 which BTW he asked me to destroy just before I decided to migrate to Denver (following Max and Sandy) Soon the word was out and many brothers LC Anaheim got word of a den of vipers (we were called) came to my house and rebuked me and family and began to shun me/us...anyway today I now and then do a walk in, in Anaheim (the building I took part as a worker from time to time) also adding, I sold everything and I bought a house and lived about three hundred yards from LC of Anaheim... I had at one time about fifty members at my home listening to Gene Ford, one of the prominent members and gumba of Ron Kangus...
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