Thread: Fundamentalism
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Old 02-11-2016, 03:03 PM   #1815
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Default Re: Fundamentalism

Interesting article. While I am not always convinced at the extremes that some people presume upon many of these kinds of theology, it is clear that is well beyond what I understand to be biblically sound.

The problem with most of these kinds of tactics (on the side of those opposing that theology) is that in the political arena, it will take not only such a "dominionist" to rise to power as president, but also a Congress that will legislate as they want. It has been noted over the years that very often the balance of power has been effected through a congress that is not entirely in line with the President. Sometimes they get what they want for a couple of years, but eventually it bogs down when the populace moderates the Congressional power, or the president, such that things don't go the way either really wants. We complain about a do-nothing Congress because they just bicker among themselves about not letting those other guys have their way. With the possible exception of Obamacare, and his willingness to simply dictate that he is going to do things since Congress won't act in his way, there has never been any real chance that things would go to either extreme.

What we need is someone right of Hillary and left of most of the Republican front-runners who doesn't do and say really stupid things. And that person will be neither a Dominionist nor the second coming of Marx.

(BTW, I saw a "Bernie 2016" bumper sticker this morning.)
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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