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Old 10-03-2017, 01:43 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 23
Default Re: Ron Kangas Message

I have thought about why these people in the LC who are leaders have such a strong desire for control masked as "speaking the one thing", etc. I have this thought to contribute:

They do not think they are coming in to "control" others. They are so blinded to their own real motives that they tell themselves and others that they only desire to "bring things into order" (order=euphemism for control here) or shepherd the saints. Yes, they desire to "shepherd"--but only with the rod of iron. This type of shepherding manifests itself as an absolute inability to tolerate the idea that there might, just might, be a better way or idea or revelation that someone else has. They see acceptance of these things from others in the group as admitting flaw or fault of themselves--because THEY did not think of it. It is a screwed up way of looking at things. The Bible clearly teaches that all believers have something to share. Now, why would this be true if there was nothing new, nothing better, nothing higher? Of course it is because they have something new and possibly better/higher to share!

All throughout Christian history, new understandings have come and the Body has rejoiced to receive those that are discerned as clearly from the Lord and His Word. Ahh--but poof!--it is now all over. In these folks' eyes (the leaders) allowing these things to be expressed clearly points out that THEY did not think of it--and they desire to fully control and maintain their own personal view(s) of what the highest revelation might be and to have it be thought that only WL could possibly have had it. The great MOTA has spoken and died. God has nothing new for us. Is this not incredible that the INEXHAUSTIBLE God now has nothing new to offer??? They make me laugh at their audacity and they make me afraid for them because of what they are doing to the Body. I do not listen to them at all anymore unless they quote the Word directly or say something so firmly established (by others gone before) that I can amen it.

As they seek to maintain their power to have it their way and to shepherd with this rod of iron, the flock is slowly leaking away. Fewer and fewer go to video trainings. Why? Reruns are boring. Their manner of presenting (reading an outline and pausing to scold the more humble members of the body) is boring. Their condemnation of "those" (whoever they are!) is boring.

Seeing these slip away, their control grows more rigid. They scold and chastise "those"--who are unnamed. They seem not to learn. I shake my head. They cannot see past their own strong desire to have it their way--and at such a cost to all. They are blind to their true motives for "service".

As Princess Leia said, ""The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

Could not agree more.
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