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Old 11-05-2012, 04:20 AM   #76
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: heaven

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The answer to that last question is neither...
Great, if you could give me the verse reference on that it would be very much appreciated.

When I asked the sister for the verse reference she gave me Luke 23:43 which I felt was a reasonable interpretation (as long as there is no NT verse that refutes this). So I asked her to give my kids the verse reference (I don't like my kids being taught Bible truths that don't include the Bible) and I asked if she would use the word "paradise" instead of "heaven". She asked why? I said that I agreed with her that by comparison, where believers go when they die could be considered "heaven" to the other alternative, but since that could be confused with the heaven where God dwells I didn't want my kids confused. She said they were the same place, the paradise where the thief went when he was crucified is the same as heaven where God our Father is. I asked "how is that possible? Jesus said to the thief "this day" you will be with me in paradise the day He was crucified, but then on the third day when he rose from the dead He told the disciples He hadn't ascended yet to the Father. How can they be the same place?"
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