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Old 01-04-2022, 11:42 AM   #229
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 53
Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery - Joann Casteel

I'm saddened but not surprised to hear that James Lee, or any other Blended Brother, would accuse a sister in the Lord of being demon possessed. Considering that the Lord's Recovery has been waning in past years without any sign of reviving, the anxiety of the leadership must be at an all-time high. Thus, grasping at whatever they can to stem the attrition (if not exodus), flailing against imagined monsters is an expected Quixotic response.

With the advent of the ubiquitously-accessible Internet, authoritarians of all kinds are losing their ability to control the information flow to their subjects. While governments like China can set up nation-enveloping firewalls to reduce unwanted criticism, religious groups like the JWs and the Lord's Recovery must rely on policing their people through fear and threats. "Covering the brothers," a policy just like the Catholic church's policy towards sexual predators in the priesthood, won't last long in the modern era. Nor will claims of unique possession of God's up-to-date speaking survive a quick study of other (non-recommended) sources.

While the shameful accusations and blaming of innocents continues, the reality is the audience of the leaders of the Lord's Recovery is shrinking, the influence is waning. As with other isolated and isolating groups, as the input of new voices evaporates, the message concentrates -- becoming more intense in every sense -- and the reaction against any questioning or challenge of veracity will result in a stronger, more vile attacking response.

More dire "crucial words" against dissent, more feverous cries of the rapidly approaching End Times, more wild claims of the specialness of the "remnant" that remain faithful -- this is what awaits those beholden to The Lord's Recovery as it follows the path of the James Taylorites (Plymouth Brethren).
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