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Old 02-10-2019, 10:10 PM   #399
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,523
Default Re: One Publication

Yes, I agree with the "move on" thing, but the reality is I'm just not there yet. "Moving on" is still tantamount to stepping into space without a tether. I'm not someone who make rash moves and I personally can't move on until I'm moving on towards or connected to something. Otherwise I'm moving on into a vast empty desert.

This forum is where I am only beginning to flex muscles that were snipped as a kid when I wasn't even aware. It may look like I'm languishing here but that's not my intention at all. My posts are just me thinking for myself for once. Using logic for once. Not pounding my square head into a round Lee hole for once wondering why everyone around me loves his stuff and I get nothing from it.

I know I can't reform the LC's; I'm well aware. That wasn't really the intention of my proposed revised version of the One Pub a few posts back. The point of that "revision" was just to show how easy it is to say clearly what LCers try to pass off that it's saying but really isn't. Or how easy it is to take a line that protects LSMs publication rights while balancing the validity of other publications rather than taking the shamefully haughty position that only Lee has the light. And to say that he should be subject to the same discernment as any other Christian author.

I'm just punching against the bully I didn't know I could defend myself against. I'll run out of the desire to punch at some point and will be able to walk away.

Igzy, I understand when you say you are a person who needs to know what happened. I am too, but I also need to know why. I can't stand up after decades on the ground, shake it off, say "huh, that was weird" and walk off in another direction. I don't want to lose more decades lost in another wormhole group, missing the mark. Was there no point to those decades? Why did they happen if not for something? Otherwise what we go through in life is meaningless.
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