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Old 08-08-2017, 07:40 PM   #234
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Default Re: The Bible Answer Man Converts to The Eastern Orthodox Church!

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I wonder how many LC members know that Chris Wilde is "Director of Communications" for LSM/Local Churches?

Kind of sad that Hank Hanegraaff is still perpetuating the abject myth that he, or anyone else, with CRI did any "extensive research" into what is actually taught and practiced in the Local Church of Witness Lee. Hank still continues to insist that the authors of Open-Letter.Org "misrepresented Witness Lee" and "took everything quoted out of context". NOTHING in this open letter quotes Witness Lee out of context. The simple truth is that a false teaching is a false teaching no matter what "context" it is quoted within. And a heretical teaching is a heretical teaching no matter what context it is quoted within. False and heretical teachers have been using so call provisos and conditional statements for centuries (re: "but not in the Godhead"), but they never even begin to mitigate the blatant falseness and heresy on which many of Witness Lee's teachings are based upon.
It’s sad to think how blissfully unaware all those in the LCM are to the rampant deception that is going on. Back in the 70’s when the LCM was brought under scrutiny by the counter-cult movement, there was a very distinctive PR campaign that stemmed directly from WL. It involved arrogance and combativeness. At no time was there any attempt to deal with anything tactfully, nor was there the humility to retract any questionable teachings. Needless to say, the negative reputation the LCM gained for itself was entirely their own doing.

Fast-forward to when the CRI shocked everyone with their inexplicable reversal in position on the LCM. In attempt to justify this reversal, they said things such as "we discovered that we had been profoundly mistaken about some of their teachings." To those in the LC, such statements might have come across as expressions of humility on the part of the CRI, however, what the CRI failed to do was to actually explain the exact reasons for the sudden change. They called their own credibility into question. In saying “we were wrong,” the burden of proof now lies with them to demonstrate why their current ‘research’ can be trusted.

That self-created lack of credibility on the part of the CRI is the first piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit. The second is the change in behavior on the part of the LSM and the local churches. Now they have a paid PR person. LC leaders who have interacted with Hank and the CRI play stupid acting like all past conflict was all just a big misunderstanding. Most importantly, all of this ‘change’ on the part of the LCM didn’t involve in any kind of admission reform on their part. If they know that their past approach was wrong, then why don’t they admit to that? LCers need to be asking themselves these kinds of questions.
Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.
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