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Old 02-25-2018, 07:39 PM   #293
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Default Re: What is the boundary of the Local Church?

Let me make another point. The Church has no problem saying certain members are evangelists, pastors, shepherds, teachers and healers. But for some reason it no longer seems to want to designate anyone as an apostle. Even giants like Rick Warren are not designated apostles.

Why is that? Why would the Church be so hesitant?

I think there are two reasons:
  1. The Church knows intellectually that saying a person is an apostle confers immense authority to that person, and is careful about doing that.

  2. The Church does not have the prompting from the Holy Spirit recognize anyone in such a way.
The only groups that ever claim anyone is an apostle are tiny, fringe groups like the Local Church Movement. And it's always one of their guys who gets the honor. Surprise!

I think it's dangerous to go around claiming present day men (or women) are apostles. I don't think the Lord hands out that kind of authority anymore. So for me, no miracles, no apostle. Period.

You guys need to be more keen on the potential of abuse of authority. You don't just call someone an apostle because he has what you think is an impressive ministry and has planted some churches--not unless you like opening the door to Mr. Apostle stepping in and running your lives.

Some people are abusers. Some are enablers. It's called co-dependent dysfunction.
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