Thread: Women's Role
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Old 08-24-2017, 11:37 AM   #234
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Default Re: Women's Role

In spite of Big Dog's bite... we need to follow the Bible.

I believe Evangelical has laid out a compelling biblical case. I do not believe the trend of the age should become filters to interpret the Bible. We should not allow the trend in feminism or organizational power to creep into our understanding of the Bible anymore than we would allow the Beatles to influence it as influential as such trends and personalities are to us. It is not misogynistic to present the clear teaching of the Bible and to retreat to that argument is in modern parlance an argument like unto "the Russians did it".

Nevertheless, I have benefited from the various viewpoints on this topic including the sidebar conversations as they added texture to the "heart of the matter". I understand what UntoHim meant by that phrase, yet, some of the sidebar conversations were relevant.

It seems to me, that part of the disagreement about the role of women in this forum and elsewhere is attributable to overly conflating two matters. The one is the Church, The Body, and the gifts to the Body. According to Ephesians it is the Lord Jesus who decides, selects, and gives the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers to the universal church for the building of the Body. Those can be men or women. Examples in the Bible include women such as Priscilla and others Ohio mentioned early in this thread. History also shows women fulfilling these roles. Jessie-Penn Lewis was mentioned, Peace Wang, Ruth Lee, Mary McDonough, etc.. who knows how many? I don't. Peering through the long lens view of history it seems clear to me that for a certain place and time women were used by the Lord. Again, His selection, His timing, distributing gifts as He decides. I'm glad He is in charge.

The other aspect conflated with the above is perhaps even more crucial and is related to God's universal arrangement, the cosmic order (including the angelic family), the human order (male, female, children, elderly, masters-slaves), the governmental, cultural, societal orders, and the order in the churches and specifically in worship to God in and outside the meetings. ZNP touched on the context a few times. My take, net net,... all of these instructions, admonitions, practices, traditions, customs, etc. share the common backbone of God's authority. Not for authority's sake but for the building of the Body. Here is where the sisters play a crucial role because they are part of or related significantly to every order. Without the sisters it will not be possible to establish God's authority because God's authority is established in the churches through submission. By the sister's submission the testimony of God's authority is expressed and realized in the home, in the family, in the church, in worship to God in the meetings, and to angels.

Frankly, anyone can say they submit to Christ directly. We all do. But to submit to someone else established by God is where the real challenges lie and yet it is the greater testimony and facilitates the building of the Body of Christ. The God-ordained role of women is crucial to accomplishing God's purpose. Sill, whether that is understood or not, we should still follow the Bible.

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