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Old 12-02-2014, 10:17 AM   #42
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Default Re: Living with an LC spouse...


All I can add is to encourage you to pray a lot. God answers prayer. I happen to think if ex-LCers and friends of LCers would analyze and talk less and pray more everyone would reach the point of freedom much sooner.

LC indoctrination is a spiritual stronghold. It is difficult to appreciate the level of conviction and compulsion your husband experiences. I know because I've been under it. It's an extremely powerful, guilt-and-fear-based mindset. Mere words will not change things. The Bible says spiritual strongholds are dealt with by divine power.* Prayer is the way to tap into God's power and bring it to bear. Your husband cannot be won over by reasoning alone. God has to act in power, and will, if you pray.

The great thing about prayer is it brings us close to God and forces us to deal with him as we ask him to deal with our situations. As you pray for your husband, God will speak to you about what your attitude should be. He will change YOU in just the right way to have the proper effect on your husband. But you must trust him and pray, a lot. Fretting and arguing won't do anything like prayer will. You must become a prayer warrior. I'm serious about this.

The good news is LCers do try to tune into God. In fact, they take pride in the idea that they are "walking in the spirit" and listening to God's leading. The problem is they get so much interference from the programming aron spoke of that they don't hear God as much as they think they do. But they do want to. So that opens a door for you.

Look at it this way: As you pray, day after day, even month after month, God will either tell your husband to listen to you, or he will tell you to listen to your husband. In the meantime you will grow closer to God in ways you never imagined. So you really can't lose. The circumstance is sovereign. God wants to do great things and is waiting for you to pray. I will pray, too.


* "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Cor 10:4-5
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