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Old 02-04-2021, 05:39 AM   #312
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Witness Lee's Version

As I remember, WL's version said that God got processed: incarnation, inclusion, intensification. Then humanity gets processed: redeemed, reconciled, regenerated, conformed, transformed, transfigured (into God but not the God-head).

But if we examine this process as actually lived out, we see its untenability in Lord's Recovery practice. Consider transformation: how can the "apostle of the age" with such a "rich ministry" fail at even the basics of church behaviour that Paul outlined in Titus 1:6? WL's sons Timothy and Philip showed little if any indication of spiritual interest, and ran roughshod over the churches under WL's watch. Where's evidence of transformation in these cases? The church leaders that abetted this and who now run LSM were there at every meeting, listening to every message, reciting outlines and footnotes, singing every song, pray-reading and calling on the name of the Lord at every turn, yet showed little evidence of the Christian expression that Jesus, Peter, Paul, and John gave in the NT. They're respecters of persons, they dissemble, they overlook evil, they're man-pleasers.

Look at Jane Anderson's testimony. Where's evidence of Christian faith in how she got handled by those who now run LSM? I don't see it.

How much money did WL siphon off for the Daystar Corporation, run by son Timothy, it's President? We know the church in Boston handed over $100K; we don't know the other cities, but I daresay it perhaps totaled in the millions, when a million could buy something. How much went into the inner circle of the WL Guanxi Network, and how much (or little) made it back out? "That's my personal business" said WL, when asked about it by Sal Benoit. Where's evidence of transformation in WL's creation and handling of Daystar?

Or son Philip, who repeatedly preyed upon women in the offices of the Lord's Recovery HQ? Where's evidence of transformation - all the "Oh Looord Jeeesus' " don't mean anything, do they? All the PSRP of HMWR.. where's the issue? How can you have transfiguration without transformation?

We heard the view that nobody could obey God, which ignores Jesus(!), and instead we just "masticated the Processed and Consummated Triune God" and inwardly we'd be metabolically transformed and conformed and then outwardly transfigured. It was a kind of grace-on-steroids, where our magical incantations did everything, and we'd just "enjoy the riches". Yet if Christian essentials were overlooked, then what are the riches?

Contrast to the NT, where Hebrews 5:8,9 dovetails neatly with John's gospel: "Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him". In John's gospel, Jesus said that as he obeyed the Father, we should obey him, as he lived because of the Father's word, so we'd live by his word, as the Father sent him, so he sent us. Nothing about pray-reading HWMR outlines and footnotes. To me, it's a completely different gospel. WL manufactured a reading of Paul that overturned or ignored parts of the NT, but in the last post (#311), I noted that this reading even depended on ignoring much of Paul's (and Luke's) own writings!
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'

Last edited by aron; 02-04-2021 at 11:12 AM.
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