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Old 01-02-2017, 03:17 PM   #539
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 243
Default Re: Bible Versus Science

Ohio: Fair enough. But exactly how god creates if he does is also up for question. Some folks(Zpanaah) have made a muddy compromise between science and the Bible. Zpanaah accepts evolution, including human evolution.

First off, human eusociality is indeed a controversial science topic as of late. E. O. Wilson is actually one of the few prominent scientists who have put forth this hypothesis, and many others have challenged it. You can actually look on Google scholar or wikipedia for some relevant papers. But I will put that aside and go ahead with your definition of eusociality. For one thing, it is a lot more than 19 species that qualify as eusocial-though on a whole it is a fairly rare phenomena in the animal world.

Your biggest fallacy seems to be assume that human eusociality must come with a written language, or other things.

Are parents who homeschool their children and forgo cooperative brood care not eusocial/civilized? Many human families get by with very limited cooperative brood care. In fact, other apes may use this system more often than we do.(many other apes that live in troops will leave their offspring with other females-usually though not always related)

In many tribes, different people took on different jobs. They could not be as specialized as we see today, simply because they have fewer people and fewer needs, but you have a medicine man, hunters, gatherers, craftsmen, and the like. Sure, people were not locked into their roles, but the same holds true today. You certainly had religion and spirituality and presumably contact with God as well.

Some form of lasting complex communication seems necessary to keep a civilization going. The Incas seem to not have developed a written language-but perhaps they had a lasting way of communicating that we have not quite deciphered yet. That is why I brought up proto languages...because some of these may contain more information than we can tell. These etchings were done by societies that, save for written language, had attained a lot of what you seem to be looking for in civilization

It is an interesting idea that the life God breathed into Adam was civilization...but keep in mind civilizations arose around the globe without contact with this particular civilization. Sumerian may be the oldest written language, but it can't claim to have spawned all the other ones. Does that still work with your narrative?

I haven't said anywhere I am the "sole arbitrator of science" ha. I am happy to go investigate and find the evidence to back up(or not) a claim. My apologies for poking so many holes in your posts.
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