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Old 07-26-2021, 07:34 AM   #85
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Angry Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion

Proverbs 17:15

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

The history of this movement is repeating itself constantly. That one verse is one of many that just shows how God sees the situation of the LSM Churches. Over and over again we have truly Godly people being treated horribly and forsaken for Wicked people. The turmoil of the eighties is just a reflection of a movement with a embedded culture, doctrines, and practices that leads to such destruction. Just look at the recent post of Mario Sandoval, who could count all the circumstances and situations that children of God were slayed by the wicked in this group.

An abomination to the lord, is what this ongoing situation is. Even until this day it seems to be sweet brother Ingalls is treated horribly and his name is slandered by the blendeds/coworkers. I guess they want to continue being an abomination to God. In modern day, many other genuine believers are treated the same way, its a horrible condition right now. This "turmoil" was not just a one time disastrous event, it was the fruits of how many have on here a "Demonic/Satanic" ministry.
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