Originally Posted by JorgeP
In Germany I had a similar experience, to the point that I was sharing with a brother the Word regarding Romans 13 and the discernment that the Lord had given me in a proper way, the brother took me out of his house and I was left without a place where to sleep.
Hi, Jorge. Later, you explain that the discernment you have from Rom 13 was regarding not following the laws of men regarding social distancing during the pandemic and the brother in Germany felt differently than you & followed the human law.
I'll be frank: I would have sent you out of my house, too, if you (or anyone) put me or my family at risk for catching a disease that has killed millions and permanent injured many more. Maybe someone else would have felt that they also didn't need to heed the laws meant to protect people from the pandemic and would have welcomed you to stay with them, but that wouldn't be "brotherly love," just "shared opinion."
Imagine if you had followed Paul's example of not eating meat so as to stumble the weak brother who felt meat sacrificed to idols should be avoided! That, Jorge, would have been an example of you exhibiting brotherly love to the brother in Germany.
While there are many problems with the so-called "Lord's Recovery" and we can agree that many of us have been led to leave the system of the BlendedMen, we need to have an honest look at ourselves and our own overreaching, or we fall into the same presumption we are fleeing.
~ gr8ful (lost my password!)