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Old 07-14-2021, 05:44 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: My History And My Testimony Today

Originally Posted by JorgeP View Post
Another aspect that I could enjoy in the house meetings is the enjoyment that we can have of the brethren in their humanity. Because we are men with humanity and a physical body, we have the need to meet physically. I really do not change this for a virtual online life, because I am not a robot or a machine, I need to congregate physically with my brothers. I really miss the house meetings. I hope that the Lord will give me here soon a group of brothers willing to practice the ekklesia by the houses and re-experience the wonderful corporate life that the Lord presents in His Word and experience in practice the brotherly love, the fellowship of eternal life among the brothers and live what the Lord has prepared for us for eternity, to live together with Him in harmony forever.

I can't imagine that anyone here would disagree with what you are saying...with your hopes to find fellowship with Christians that will provide you with what you want.

I only have a point of departure with what you are saying in that you seem have predetermined conclusions about what and how He is working. You have wants, needs, hopes and preferences. We all do. You may have the answers in your interpretation of scripture. Others may interpret scripture to mean otherwise. We all follow the Lord as we believe we are being led. We all worship and follow the Jehovah God who meets all our needs, sometimes in ways we do not expect.

God may change our circumstances to give us what we want. But, He also might change us to be content in the state we are in, knowing and believing by faith that it is He who placed us where we are.

Blessings to you JorgeP
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