Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 21
Re: My History And My Testimony Today
Greetings brothers, thank you for taking the time and attention to respond to this message. I want to share with you a little more about my experience and how I see things these days.
Regarding the mention of Romans 13, basically it is the verses related to human authorities. What happened was that I explained to that brother that one as a Christian cannot obey everything imposed by earthly authorities whether institutional or ecclesiastical. I gave him a very simple example that if the German government had issued a law prohibiting the preaching of the gospel, would you obey that? If the German government issued a law that you should throw yourself out of the window, would you do it? As I realized that Germans fear and obey to the letter the human authorities, and he was still under that national and cultural influence, I asked him those questions. As we were in the time of the pandemic, he obeyed to the letter to stay locked up at home, and to meet online by zoom, while I went out almost every day and went to a brother's house and we met and had our Christian meetings and Christian activities around the houses. Because I have this clear vision that the church life is by the houses and there is no life of being a virtual Christian, I stand firm with that to this day. To see this regarding spiritual discernment of when to obey and when not to obey human or ecclesiastical authorities, the anointing of the Holy Spirit took me to Exodus when the midwives of the Hebrew women did not obey Pharaoh's command to throw the children born to the Hebrew women into the river. And God blessed Phuah and Shiphrah and their families for fearing God and not obeying Pharaoh's worldly law in that situation. The same happens with Daniel's friends, when Nebuchadnezzar made a universal law that all peoples had to kneel before his image or else they would be thrown into a burning furnace. Daniel's friends also did not obey this worldly law in order to stand firm as a testimony for God and although they were thrown into the fiery furnace, Christ as the Son of Man came to their rescue and they were able to overcome in that situation. Also in the book of Acts the apostles were sentenced by the Sanhedrin and forbidden to preach in favor of the name of Jesus and they responded that it was necessary to obey God rather than men. So we see that as Christians we need to discern spiritually when we should obey the human, ecclesiastical and institutional authorities and when we should not.
Now, I would like to share with you what is in my heart so far regarding the blessing that I have received so far from the investigation that the Lord has prospered in my personal case as a Christian and member of the church. I recognize that I have experienced positive things in the local church as I commented in the main message. And what was the biggest blessing for me was the house meetings. In Venezuela, specifically in Barquisimeto and Cabudare, we had the opportunity to meet by the houses outside the religion and filtering and defending the meetings when the religious system of the external recovery wanted to infiltrate with its literary system of control and its religious and commercial representatives.
We used as help or complements some life studies and some books from the living stream ministry library but the Holy Spirit taught us how to be balanced with the use of these materials and that when we met we were to share our revelation and experiences in Christ that we had in our daily lives and not to make the meetings a sales room of theological books or Christian literature of such and such author. In Colombia, I also had the blessing of meeting in the houses and my feeling of functioning was the same as the Lord gave me since I was meeting in Venezuela, namely was to function in teaching, preaching, and encouraging the brethren with the promotion of the Word, the Spirit, prayer, fellowship, hymns, and personal experiences of Christ in my Christian life, nothing more.
When I emigrated to Europe, first to Spain, I came with the same idea that I was going to have similar experiences to those I had had at the fraternity level in the positive part of my experience in the local church. After having had my experiences here, and having emigrated to Germany where God let me meet a brother who already had time investigating, and helped me to learn to investigate things better, then the light of God shone much more in me regarding the system of the external recovery or false recovery, (recognizing that if there is a true recovery that is from the Lord, and that is an inner recovery, that is to say of our soul) and considering the situation of the local church where I live, which is just another denomination with the name "church in the city" and they call themselves the church in the locality and it is them and no one else, and to participate in some meetings that they had in houses but where they only promote book after theological book, and the promotion of the ministry of man and the experiences of a certain man in particular and there is no freedom for the Word, the Spirit, the prayers according to the Word, fellowship in brotherlylove, sharing personal experiencies rather than others christians experiences.
I was able to put the puzzle together better and come to the conclusion that I really don't want to be in this type of system. So after leaving Germany and going back to Spain, I'm moving on here. I still need a vital group, I have the conviction that it is the only way to win corporately and practice brotherly love and win like Daniel and his friends. I have been visiting Christian congregations and in observations I have confirmed that there is nothing to do in Sardis. The church in Thyatira in Spain is advanced, it is a serious Catholicism in some congregations, but there is nothing to do in Thyatira either because the Lord has called me to get out of the religious system and not to try to fix it. It is quite hard and difficult not to have a group with whom to meet freely like Philadelphia, but I believe that the Lord will give me two or three with whom to start a vital group and practice brotherly love and somehow live the church in Philadelphia in these final days.
Brothers, I have been researching this website for some time, and I want to tell you in sincerity in Christ, that I am grateful for the useful information that you have put here, but please allow me to share something with you: I do not see yet that you have been able to put together the puzzle of the church life and is missing some basic and essential that are the meetings in the houses. I see many visiting congregations going from here to there, but they do not have their houses open to the Lord, and let me tell you that if a Christian has a house or an apartment of his own or rented and does not have it open to the Lord for meetings in the houses, so that believers can meet physically, that belevier is wrong and they are losing the blessing of the Lord in this matter. It is impossible to have a church life virtually, brothers we cannot have a church life online, whatsapp, zoom, video calls, internet forums, Web page. We need to overcome this technocratic era and return to house meetings. It is the experience that I had and that I want to recover today. So I encourage you to go ahead and be a blessing this little message
Last edited by JorgeP; 07-07-2021 at 03:13 PM.