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Old 06-26-2021, 05:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi everyone, loooong time lurker. First time poster. I will create an account eventually, just need more time. I’ll share my testimony as well one day.

When I keep reading about “mind control” and “brainwashing” and “cult tactics” and elders needing to meddle in the saints lives, Something that always nags me is the end result, why do they want this much control? What benefit does it give? Why would they waste so much of their time with meddling and harping on going to the meetings, going to the meetings. Etc. Maybe I have a screw loose but I just don’t know why anyone would want to be like this. Why CAN’T we just have meetings to enjoy and be there. I’m a “responsible brother” and every meeting I’m in, it’s expected to go a certain way or else it’s a failure. Why is this?
I’d suggest reading Steve Hassan’s book, “Combatting Cult Mind Control.” If they didn’t use the tactics listed in the book, at this point- they would lose control, power, and (most importantly) money. All high control/authoritarian groups use unethical influence techniques. I have no idea how they justify it with holy language. If cults do these things, don’t do them if you claim you’re not a cult!
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