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Old 06-14-2021, 09:40 AM   #243
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

There is apparently a FB group called "Watchman Nee's Testimony". If you are friends with people in that group, or people in the group who are friends with other people who share a post, then people NOT in the group can see what is posted there. Recently this quote was posted:

"A fleshly man cannot submit. If you are of the flesh, you cannot get married. Do not think that marriage is something for the flesh. You have to realize that only a spiritual person can marry. In the eyes of the flesh, submission is most difficult. But in the eyes of the spirit, every time you are not submissive, you suffer a wound. If you do not submit, you can give yourself some breathing space, but you will be inwardly wounded.

Once a person asked me, "Why should wives be subject to their husbands?" I do not know. I do not know why wives should be subject to husbands. I only know that the God whom I serve says that wives should be subject to their husbands. I do not know why it is right to do this. I only know that wives should be subject to their husbands. One thing I do know: If a wife is subject to her husband, she always brings in spiritual blessing."

From Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 2) Vol. 38: General Messages (2), Chapter 30, Section 2

I know this isn't a Watchman Wednesday quote, but I found this teaching so off on Nee's part. Just. So. Off.

If you are of the flesh, you cannot get married? Um, what about the millions of unbelievers year after year who do? His statement means nothing.

Only a spiritual person can marry? What is defined as a spiritual person?

We HAVE to realize this? We don't HAVE to "realize" anything if it's patently not true. The more I encounter those "have to" "must" "need" phrases in the ministry the more they feel like being beaten over the head.

Since Nee focuses in on the wife submitting, I also looked up the larger ministry portion that this excerpt is from to see if he gave equal time or weight to the husbands laying down their life for their wives.


He quotes the verse, but then has one or two very short paragraphs just on "loving" the wife. He then waxes on and on for numerous long paragraphs about wives submitting. Very, very biased teaching.
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