You may be right that so much of what is wrong with the LC and with Nee's and Lee's teachings springs from the culture they grew up with. But does that result in a "self-serving translation"? Or is the translation, while no less erroneous, the result of that culture mixed with negligible true training in the scripture. You may remember that I often said something like "from one accountant to another, Lee should have kept his day job." I don't recall the circumstances, but I believe that Lee once stated that he had been an accountant (maybe briefly) before deciding to go into ministry. And other than essentially taking on Nee as his "rabbi," he never said anything about any actual training.
All this study of the Chinese culture might be useful. But I have always been skeptical that it is the real problem. Just something that should have been like adding Kaopectate to everything. You may not get diarrhea, but everything sure tasted funny.