Originally Posted by Unregistered
Hi everyone, loooong time lurker. First time poster. I will create an account eventually, just need more time. I’ll share my testimony as well one day.
When I keep reading about “mind control” and “brainwashing” and “cult tactics” and elders needing to meddle in the saints lives, Something that always nags me is the end result, why do they want this much control? What benefit does it give? Why would they waste so much of their time with meddling and harping on going to the meetings, going to the meetings. Etc. Maybe I have a screw loose but I just don’t know why anyone would want to be like this. Why CAN’T we just have meetings to enjoy and be there. I’m a “responsible brother” and every meeting I’m in, it’s expected to go a certain way or else it’s a failure. Why is this?
I’m curious about your being a “responsible brother”. What do you mean? Are you an elder, or do you mean you are responsible in your practical life, or some such?
Control is about power. To speculate on an answer to your questions about “control”, it’s possible that the leadership is in so deep, with Lee’s teachings, that they can’t back out without “losing face”. They have left themselves no way out. Not even God can stop this train. They are drunk with power, or their strong delusions of power. They are deceived, and with all forms of social media, they are losing control…so they double down and control what they can.
My favorite quote from
Lucy in the old
Peanuts comic strip is “If you can’t be right, be wrong as loud as you can.” I think there’s a lot of that going on on several levels in the LC. Also, “I’m talking and I can’t shut up.”
Covert may be on to something…they are committed to bringing the Lord back…no pressure there!