Originally Posted by aron
The post prior to your comment, Covert said that he felt bad about what Bill Mallon went through. You said, "Read" But how did he know about Bill Mallon - reading older topics? Right? So, why then did you tell him to read?
Why didn’t you ask this question to begin with, instead of jumping to a conclusion and accusing me of saying something I did not say?
Of the volumes written by Covert (not just his prior post) I do not assume to know how he acquired his information…as you seem to be doing. Further, I did NOT TELL Covert to “read.”
I will quote myself again:
You might benefit from reading the older topics and formulate your thoughts. You haven’t posted anything new…yet.
Regardless, I don’t see a problem with telling someone to “read” (as you seem to have a problem.) I am telling you to read…what I wrote…since I have quoted it three times.
I don’t need your permission to post what I think might benefit someone. Please don’t further misconstrue my words.