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Old 06-08-2021, 05:57 AM   #122
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Helen Keller, 6/8/2021

I do not want the peace that passes understanding, I want the understanding that brings peace.

Sounds nice. I initially thought this was really kind of a big idea.

Then I looked at verses about peace. There is one that says something about the peace that passes (or transcends) understanding (Phil 4:7). But no verse concerning peace indicates that understanding brings peace.

A person that can only be held in high esteem in today's way of thinking says something that sounds holy and spiritual but not mentioned in the scripture while essentially despising something actually stated in the scripture. Is this a good way to make a point? Seems almost Lee-like. State the unsupportable and argue that it is superior to what is fully supported.

In this case we have an appeal to a false authority because the status of Hellen Keller as a significant person of intellect and learning does not qualify her as a person of theological intellect or authority. Yet I am sure that there is more than one list of spiritual quotes that includes this one.

Do we grab this with gusto take it to our next Bible study? I'm sure she meant well. I don't think she was anti Christ or religion.

But are we sure that understanding brings peace? It seems that we are prone to studying the scripture with the goal of finding eternal life but failing to actually turn to the One that is eternal life. The one that the scriptures testify of. (John 5:39-40) The same could be said of peace. I realize that this is no more clearly stated in the scripture than what Ms. Keller said — which is not at all in plain words. But I believe it is consistent with what is found there.

In any case, while I cannot say with certainty that understanding simply does not bring peace, I would be hesitant to highlight such a statement as an important spiritual concept since its proponent is holding it out as superior to what the scripture actually states. That seems to diminish its importance to me.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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