Paul said, "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit", not one soul. The resurrected Lord is the life-giving Spirit; Therefore, His union with the believers is His union with the believers' spirit. The soul is only the personality of a man and is natural; it should only be used as a vessel to express the results of the union between the Lord and the spirit of the believer. The believer's spirit is joined to the Spirit of the Lord, and the two spirits being joined are one spirit. The result of this union is the capacity to serve the Lord in "newness of the spirit."
And you have to give Nee credit for sticking to his "spirit and soul are absolutely separate" schtick. I really wish we still had access to that dissection of Nee's 3-parts discussion in
The Spiritual Man. It was so enlightening to see how many verses used to define the spirit as different from the soul were really consistent with the soul.
Of course, since the genius said it, it must be true.