My breakfast includes more than twenty items, a real variety of food. This rich nourishment makes me very energetic. The principle is the same in reading spiritual books. Along with reading the Bible, we need to develop the habit of reading some profitable and nourishing spiritual books. If you build up the habit of reading the Word and spiritual books, you will be healthy spiritually and you will grow.
— Life Messages, Vol.1, LSM 1979, p.24
First, I must say that having a morning breakfast of more than twenty items makes me think that he either has one bite of cereal with milk, one almond, one peanut, 1/2 of one section of orange, etc., or he reads the ingredients on the side of the cereal box and counts them all as independent items in his meal. Or he should have been gaining weight as if trying to qualify as a heavyweight boxer or getting the nourishment required to be an Olympic swimmer.
But all levity aside, when he says we need to read the Bible and "profitable and nourishing spiritual books," it sounds so good. Until you come to realize that the only ones that qualify (in his mind) are published by LSM and have either his or Nee's names on them. Preferably his.