Originally Posted by UntoHim
"One can render submission but not obedience to the delegated authority." - Watchman Nee
Is it just me, or does this sound as unbiblical as it is nonsensical? I don't have a copy of The Spiritual Man, and I'm wondering if Nee gives any solid biblical references to where someone actually "submits but not obeys". 
I can't recall any, but it would have been so long ago that I probably wouldn't remember if I actually had.
I think this is Nee taking the thing Lee called "two sides of truth" to a most ridiculous extreme. And it is so utterly contradictory as to be in violation of the logical rule that something cannot be, and at the same time and instance not be. To submit without obedience is a non sequitur. If you submit, you must, by definition, obey. Otherwise, you are not in submission.