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Old 05-10-2021, 10:43 AM   #217
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
The problem with your statement is that you merely provide a broad-brush reference to a "system" that is Catholicism and thereby say that even what already was true is tainted because you can find it in that "system." ... So broad-brushing the actual errors of the RCC into the whole of all clergy is to undermine the benefit that they actually bring to all of us.
Well said! Something I have been saying since I started posting here.

Whether the Catholics, the Recovery, or the Brethren systems, we must examine all teachings and practices in the light of the scriptures and the guiding principles provided in scripture. I believed the Great Shepherd often brings His children to a place in their walk where they must step back and take a good hard look at everything they have taken for granted. The early disciples confronted this when Jesus called them out of Judaism.

If I look at the early meeting practices in the LC's, there were definitely some positives. Members could pray, testify, worship in the meetings. One of the leaders would introduce scripture for all to read, and share based on his labors. Columbus was a wonderful example of this for a few years.

Then outside controls from Cleveland and Anaheim slowly took over, sometimes competitively. Their edicts robbed the elders of their ability to lead, and robbed the church of its liberty to assemble. These new mandated structures morphed into man-made systems regulated by Bishops in foreign locations.

The early church became degraded by the same phenomenon. Supposedly Bishops were selected to oversee the elders in numerous churches. Some were godly men no doubt, but once that position was established, it had to be filled by another when he resigned. A "system" designed to protect the church against "bad" local elders now must face the inevitable dilemma of a "bad" bishop. Thus the bishop of Rome was selected to oversee these regional bishops, thus setting the stage for Roman Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, etc. Answering to no one, not accountable to the church, these ones led the church far astray from God's plan.

Did not the Recovery follow this pattern? Originally we were promised local elders "each answering to the Lord." Then we got regional bishops training elders, appointing elders, giving conferences, writing books, etc. Then Popes and Cardinals rose up in Anaheim to "protect" the church from "bad" elders and bishops. History repeated!
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