Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Are y-all trying to say that the system we have now (which in many places is akin to the pastor as CEO) hasn't taken ANY "leaven" from the Romish system?
Are you trying to say that the
system you have now (which merely substitutes many Local Church terms/teachings/practices with alternative words) hasn't taken ANY "leaven" from the Local Church of Witness Lee
Sons to Glory!
You really, really need to get out more bro. And I don't mean to listen to some radio preachers on the radio. I mean get out into the real world and have some honest, open fellowship and dialog with some other Christians. Go visit some other churches in your area. And before you go to another Christian service, ask the Lord to deliver you from this spirit of deception and critical attitude you have received from the teachings of Nee and Lee. You are woefully out of touch my brother. True Christianity is not "christless" anymore than any true Christian brother or sister is christless. And please don't tell us about all the false churches out there. Don't tell us about Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn or some other charlatan. They are not representative of the vast majority of churches and ministries out there.