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Old 05-09-2021, 10:47 AM   #213
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Through the teachings and practices established by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, many of us received a wrong understanding and appreciation of the biblical and historical purposes of the corporate meeting/service of a local church.
It was entirely self-serving for Nee and Lee to strawman the "clergy/laity/system." If indeed the "Nicolaitan" teachings (Rev 2.15) and practices (Rev 2.6) can be understood by dissecting the word semantics, then we must understand the Lord's words here in context of scripture. How can the Lord suddenly hate a "system" of elders, deacons, apostles, prophets, shepherds, evangelists, teachers, etc. which was established in the New Testament to care for the church of God? Like I said, Nee and Lee followed the Exclusive Brethren to condemn the whole church for personal gains. That should stand out to us, both in the OT and the NT, are good shepherds and bad shepherds.

For me the defining narrative is here in the first Gospel, shortly before His death on the cross:
When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the brothers, [James and John.] Jesus then called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. But not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
If there is a rotten Nicolaitan "system" out there, it must refer to those who violate the Lord's commands here. Peter referred to those who "lord it over" the church. Paul endlessly rebukes rotten leaders who peddle scripture for base gains. There are no scriptures which condemn leaders for simply being shepherds, pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles, etc. The Bible always honors the position of leaders and recognizes those who faithfully serve that office.

I personally reject the condemnation by Nee and Lee of the so-called "clergy-laity-system." And btw the system they have created to replace it is far worse, and it should receive their condemnation instead.
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