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Old 05-08-2021, 07:49 AM   #205
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
The linked blog is rather duplicitous. It declares that there is this unbounded thing that is "a separate class of church leaders designated as ‘clergy’ who are over the ‘laity.' It then asks "Is it biblical? Is it helpful?"
We're talking about the system here than tends to put much of the function of the body into an elite few - the members look to the clergy to function, and therefore generally become lethargic in their spiritual walk with the Lord (knowing Him AND doing His works). We're not talking about the behaviors of the clergy, rather the system. And this system often does no favor to the clergy people either, as there is often burnout on their part.

Does this mean there are no leaders? Of course not. Scripture points them out. But we're talking about a system that has gone to an extreme.
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