Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday
The linked blog is rather duplicitous. It declares that there is this unbounded thing that is "a separate class of church leaders designated as ‘clergy’ who are over the ‘laity.' It then asks "Is it biblical? Is it helpful?"
And this is written by the "Lead Pastor of Upwards Church."
Now I know that there are examples of actual problems with clergy. Like when some preacher declares that he had some special place with God. Before my time, there was a preacher at First Assembly of God in Dallas that would remind everyone that they should come back next Sunday because he would see to it that the Holy Ghost would be there in a special say. And another young writer established his ministry by writing a massive text on spirituality and began to obtain a following.
And we can talk about all kinds of examples of real clergy problems.
But just because clergy teach the "laity" does not evidence a problem. And talking about clothes shows more lack of understanding than demonstrates incorrect attitudes of the clergy.
And some "lead pastor" is busy shooting arrows at "clergy."
For the most part, the people who try to cast dispersions at a stawman of "clergy-laity" are themselves clergy. Even in churches where they practice some type of more participative worship, ultimately there is still clergy that keeps it going and provides the meat of teaching. I am not saying that we shouldn't all participate in more study and "self feeding." But from the beginning there was the expectation that there would be some who labored in the word and teaching for the benefit of the rest.
(Sorry if this post is somewhat disjointed. A lot of distractions right now.)
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel