Originally Posted by OBW
And to suggest that "anything man gets his hands into, the thing eventually manifested rottenness" can only be meaningful if we assert that there is nothing that is not simply rottenness because man gets his hands into everything he does. Therefore it is not simply that man gets his hand into it. It is more correctly that man gets his hand into it and is not aligned with the Spirit. And that happens no matter what kind of thing you are talking about. Not all the time. Not "simply" in certain cases and not others. But it does happen.
Agreed: man without Spirit of God = disaster. And something that was done without the Spirit includes the whole clergy/laity nonsense that occured a century or two after the apostles. In Nee's Wednesday quote he talks about the Nicolaitans as being the originators of the clergy-laity system, which is something Lee taught too. What are your views on that?
Here's a good (I say "good" because I agree with it) blog on the subject I found and thought to share, from a Texas church pastor:
Clergy/Laity - Good or bad for the body of Christ?