Re: What is God's Economy?
Aron, I've read through what you've posted, and rather than address specific things, I've been thinking in a more general way recently - which I think actually addresses much of what we're talking about here and is possibly the actual elephant in the room with this entire forum:
Inner Life
Perhaps the real core of what this forum is about (and who it might often attract) is to a big degree related to how they view so-called "inner-life teachings." Some time ago there was a rather heated thread about inner-life teachers, or as some called them, "Christian Mystics." This includes WN, WL, Guyon, and perhaps Hannah W. Smith, Freeman, TAS and Major Ian Thomas, and some might even throw John Piper in there on occasion (plus others I'm sure).
So I'm asking myself (and Jesus), is the real aversion on this forum really about how different ones see inner-life teachings (and of course, how the LC promotes these and its own specific teachings)? Whenever - at least most of the time it seems - any of these ones' teachings are brought up, there is serious blowback from several forum members.
Or am I totally overreaching in this?
FYI - My definition of inner-life teaching is that we have Christ in us as the beginning and foundation for the Christian life.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
Last edited by Sons to Glory!; 05-03-2021 at 06:25 PM.
Reason: Clarity