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Old 05-01-2021, 01:06 PM   #417
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Do you understand my problem with the inner-life teachings? Especially when they are the predominant diet of an assembly? It is an extremely off-balance view of a small part of the truth in the Bible which effectively rejects other truths that don't fit its view. It is truth so divorced from the rest of truth that it begins to resemble a lie. And the lie is the idea that it is the whole thing rather than only a part.
I think I do understand - when taken to the extreme. Herein lies the problem I think. And it's a lot like our hyper-polarized political system. We get to a place where things match-up to our conception pretty well, then we make our mental home there. This is human tendency, as we've discussed a bit. Then we look out and see things that people are doing differently and start considering why they are doing it differently than me. As Christians, we then bring in scripture to measure what and how they are doing, and how that differs from us. Some exaggerations may follow - "they are always like such-n-such." We may start seeing them as practicing something or believing something they actually aren't, because in our mental framework, that's how people of that particular ilk just operate. Then when we communicate with them, we tend to speak out of these things we assume, and tend to think they're all one way toward some over-our-threshold extreme. Then we start miscommunicating and talking past each other. Our divided political environment is like that, and the atmosphere on this forum is often like that I think. One has political ideology as it's generator; the other has our own particular biblical view as it's generator.

But we're just talking here, trying to come to some understanding of what it is each other believes and practices. I'm not disparaging you and you're not disparaging me. In fact, we love each other because that's what Christ told us to do . . . and He lives in us! (covers both bases, right?)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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