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Old 04-17-2021, 11:09 AM   #194
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
I think Iīm going to leave this forum for good. Sorry Trapped and Hern, but your questions border on stupidity to think that I am referring to WL when I quoted a verse from Luke that clearly talks about Jesus as our King. Where do get these ideas? You just sit around all afternoon and come up with this stuff?

Trapped, you wrote a simple phrase about how Jesus is our King and I supported that with a verse that shows how serious Jesus considers His kingship. Thatīs all. Itīs very simple, itīs self-explanatory. That is something that Luke wrote, word per word, and you guys stretch your imagination and go into the far reaches of neverlandm full of unfounded suspicions to imply Iīm talking about WL?
What are you guys thinking? Are you serious? You really think I could be so stupid?

Trapped, you said "Also - He's the Lord of lords and the King of kings! We are awaiting the KINGDOM for heaven's sake. I think I'll continue expecting Him to be my King, thanks but no thanks Witness Lee......."

And I am simply saying yes, Jesus is our King, look what Luke said! Jesus is coming back to reign with full power and authority as King over the earth and all His enemies will be made a footstool for His feet. Thatīs all! FORGET ABOUT WL!

Man, what a waste of time.
Thanks for the kind words and the explanation, Raptor. It helped. Typing a few words along with the verse, rather than just a verse only, helps. It's hard to know what direction people are coming from here sometimes. People have interpreted verses in all kind of wacky ways here and everywhere.

Typing just 6 letters to say "I agree" when you posted the verse would have helped.

Forget about WL? The post was about what WL said. Kind of hard to discuss the topic without discussing the topic.

I do hope you stick around, but I won't miss being called stupid.

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