Thread: OBW's Blog
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Old 04-02-2021, 05:51 PM   #84
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Default Re: OBW's Blog

Go away for a few months and the landscape has surely changed. Alt groups is gone. Probably for the best.

It seems that our favorite targets — Nee and Lee — now have stand-ins who are cutting and pasting their poor work together into even worse work. And too many just buy it as if it is the chef's recommendation from the top French restaurant in town. Unfortunately, it is more like a run-down greasy spoon* about to be shut down for health violations.

(* For those of you too young to appreciate "greasy spoon," it is an old term for a diner that is of dubious quality even if frequented by locals. The idea is that the grease on the spoons is indicative of the care in washing the dishes which probably spills over into the handling and preparation of the food.)

I can agree that sometimes other places in Christianity are not necessarily better. Well, at least not in some ways. But for the most part, at least they are using good food and clean dishes, even if it is only Chilis or PF Chang and not the top French restaurant.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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