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Old 03-28-2021, 08:29 PM   #32
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Paul's Uncomfortable Verses About Women

Not sure how well I can explain this, but in re-reading 1 Corinthians, I noticed just how much Paul uses the "mocking rhetorical question" device. He often uses it right after something mock-worthy.

For example:

-beginning of chapter 3 when he challenges them as "are you not mere human beings?" for their contention about Paul vs Apollos.
-beginning of chapter 4 when he challenges them about being puffed up or boasting.
-beginning of chapter 5 when he gets on their case for being proud about the sexual immorality among them, rather than driving the guy out of the church.
-and numerous other places too.

Including at the end of chapter 14 right after the "women be silent" portion where he then challenges them "did the word of God originate with you? or are you the only people it has reached?"

This might lend a little support to the thought that the "women must be silent, it is disgraceful for them to speak, etc" concept is mock-worthy.

Just thinking out loud.
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