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Old 03-26-2021, 11:52 PM   #5
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Angry Re: Ron Kangas- THE BODY IS THE FATHER

It seems "Crazy Kangas" is back at it again with another dose of lunacy that reaches the tipping point of LC heresy. Trapped humorously said Ron Kangas must be drunk of some sort, I would say yes but not due to a distilled beverage. He is probably drunk on power and megalomania, due to the time of recording was approaching the annexing of South America from Dong Yu Lan to the Blinded Kings of Anaheim (in Crazy Kangas mentions how that region of the world was "cut off" from the body). The conquest of yet another poor submissive people going from one ruler to another. Look how he celebrates and becomes completely out of it, subduing himself to a drunkard of lunacy and heresy, and consumed with exhalation of himself. All this with the surreal statement of "God being the Father of the LC is not PRACTICAL enough, and therefore the BODY is the Father".

Oh silly silly Crazy Kangas, look how far you have gone down the rabbit hole, you went to Princeton theological seminary thinking you were going to be a servant of God, but decades later only ended up a heretical lunatic exalting/idolizing oneself to something you can never be. Poor Poor Silly Silly Crazy Kangas, how far you have fallen. I guess being Witness Lee little scribe in that back office, editing his heresy all day made you go off the rails just like Nebuchadnezzar when he became an insane and isolated himself in the wild due to his denial of the ONE TRUE GOD and his sovereignty . Come back from the wilderness and get back your senses Crazy Kangas.
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