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Old 03-26-2021, 10:18 PM   #31
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Paul's Uncomfortable Verses About Women

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Adam could have chosen to intercede for his God-given partner, instead he chose death.
Interesting article. I read it once during a break at work but need to read it again to comment extensively on it. There's a lot there!

I guess my first question (and this is just discussion, not pushback) is can we actually call Eve's act "unintentional sin"? She was deceived, to be sure, but the record is clear that she knew she wasn't to eat of the tree ("or touch"). She knew what the wrong was, and yet she took of it, under the deceptive influence from the serpent. This is different from "I didn't know!" or not being aware of a law or commandment. She wasn't ignorant of the command.

I need to think more about what more parts of the Bible have to say about intentional vs unintentional sin. That concept may hold true in general, (and it certainly would explain the "sin unto death, sin that does not lead to death" verses that have confounded me in 1 John 5), but I am having trouble with Eve's act being categorized as "unintentional". Even the verse quoted in the article clearly states "...the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." Transgression still took place.

Does the ignorance plea work for us today? I was kind of under the impression it doesn't. For example, someone driving 55 in a 30mph zone who didn't know it was a 30mph zone still gets a ticket for breaking the law and speeding, even if they didn't see the sign to know the speed limit. Just thinking out loud trying to work this thought through.

It's a new thought for me that Adam could have interceded for Eve in front of God. Although, as a fellow transgressor, would he have had the "standing" to do so? Yes, Moses interceded before God, but he was not co-guilty when he did so, right? It would have been nice to see an attempt at intercession rather than his blatant throwing of his wife under the bus - "it was the woman you gave me!".

I always thought that Adam was responsible for death entering man because when Eve sinned, then Adam was the sole holdout who hadn't yet sinned. And if he didn't sin, then there was some of mankind that wasn't under death yet. But then when he sinned, the only remaining door was opened, and he was responsible for death entering, and that's why he's blamed for it all. Sounds funny when I write it - not sure my thought there holds up scripturally........

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