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Old 03-26-2021, 10:15 AM   #28
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Default Re: Paul's Uncomfortable Verses About Women

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
The propensity holds true that it is not just man that exploits woman, but it explains slavery, class systems, child abuse, and every exploitation of the poor or vulnerable or disadvantaged that has plagued our world ever since. And all such exploitation and abuse stands aside from every action, demonstration and teaching of Jesus.
I think this is very important actually and we can't deal with the oppression of women issue out of wider context of power imbalance, oppression, alienation, exploitation, violence and so forth. "Widows, orphans, prisoners, sick" etc. The have-nots, the despised of society were Jesus' sheep: drunkards, tax collectors, cripples, lepers. Those with no voice, no power, no place of honour.

Certainly women were categorically have-nots. In this Jesus brought a revolution, both to the oppressors (who were themselves actually unwitting slaves to an oppressive system) and those they formerly hurt. Somehow everyone could forgive, be forgiven, could give and not take, could care for the careless and love the loveless. It's really an extraordinary and breathtaking kingdom, never seen and to me even undreamt-of outside of Jesus Christ. It's a 'utopia' that's potentially as near and real as your nearest neigbour.

Consider Jesus' word, "Whoever lusts after a woman has committed adultery." (Matt 5:27,28). Notice in this case it's men that are implied as the transgressors. Not because women are by contrast pure and chaste, but rather because of unequal power structure, men can openly ogle and leer as long as they don't touch. Jesus shut that option down.

Etc. There's a lot to discuss but I'm unqualified, yet still glad to see the discussion taking place. (And I do agree that the words of Paul that were raised in the video don't 'fit' the overall NT picture. But a better case needs to be made)
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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