Originally Posted by aron
Also, note what's not stressed in the quoted texts, labeled "Paul's 'new' teaching": the "submission" part. The quoted text not only says, "quiet" but says "submission". And that word isn't unknown in apostolic text. It's not a new teaching.
There's an extensive section on respecting earthly positions, and women's submission in 1 Peter 3:1 is part of a set that's consistent with the apostle's teaching. (Note also Paul in Ephesians 5). None of this is novel. So if the Corinthian leaders are abusing this apostolically-established relationship to wrongly silence women that's one thing, but the video passes over this without comment.
aron, would you be able to point more specifically to what part(s) of the video you are referring to? I'm trying to find it but am having trouble finding it and following your train of thought too.
Ephesians 5 speaks of wives submitting to their husbands, yes. It also speaks of husbands sacrificing themselves by laying down their life for their wife. Submission for one, sacrifice for the other!