Re: Paul's Uncomfortable Verses About Women
Donnnnnnnnnnn't leeeeeeeeave. Please. As Nell said, your contributions are valuable. Your voice is needed.
I actually mostly agree with your hesitation about the latter part of that video....the 1 Timothy 2 part. It is true that the greek doesn't say "the woman" versus "a woman"'s just "woman". But I see her interpretation about that particular set of verses as "huh....that could be" or "never thought about that possibility before" or "interesting interpretation". I'm not so convinced that I would say "that is now how I view those verses!"
But I think I would separate my conclusions about the latter part from the first part about Corinthians. Listening to the first part, I DO see plenty of grounds for what the video says to be possible. For example:
-it makes no sense for Paul to say women should be silent, but also make positive reference to the "whole church" coming together and prophesying or speaking in tongues. That's not silent.
-it makes no sense for Mary and the other women at the tomb to go out and tell of Jesus's resurrection, for the other accounts of female co-workers, of important females in the church to be shown as having impact to grow the church.....and yet they've got to shut up when they return to gather with the church? Chloe had the church in her home but had to zip her lips?
-as the person in the video mentioned, in 7:1, Paul does say "now to the matters you wrote about" and there are indeed Bible commentaries that acknowledge that the next part ("it is good for a man not to touch a woman") could reasonably be a quote from the letters Paul received that he was quoting in response. I don't see it a stretch at all for there to be continued quotes afterward too.
-honestly it is strange that the Bible speaks of all kinds of positions and functions and gifts and roles and the equality of all the members, each having a connection to the Head, each being the many brothers of Jesus, each being in the priesthood.....and then Paul smacks half of them across the face and tells them to can it because they are female? It just doesn't jive.
-as I said in my OP, the portion related to tongues and unbelievers was also similarly strange. Didn't fit together. When you realize one was the false teaching, and one was Paul's correction of it - what was formerly nonsensically irreconcilable by basic logic all of a sudden fits perfectly. And that part has nothing to do with women.
I have differing thoughts about the 1 Timothy part that I think are reasonable but are not mentioned in the video at all. Paul is showing pretty clearly that the women are learning....and if someone is learning, it's very normal that you wouldn't want them teaching yet. He doesn't say "Let the women worship in silence" or "sit in silence" or "meet in silence" but LEARN in silence. There's more I could say but am short on time.
Anyway, just my thoughts. I reiterate - please stick around.