Originally Posted by Nell
We are all on this forum because we were deceived by the Serpent. We may not always express ourselves in the best manner possible, so we try to develop a thick skin and give each other the benefit of the doubt. But mostly, we desire to know the truth, which is the only antidote for deception.
PS: I hope you won't go away. You are valued as a forum member. Please forgive us for roughing you up a bit.
This reminds me of something a radio brother (Steve Gregg - I think he's mainly out west) said recently (I think he was quoting someone else). There was a question by a caller who asked, "If there is only one truth, then why are there so, so many interpretations of that one truth?" The answer was, "It's because while there is only one Truth, we are all coming to it from many different points. Therefore our perspective is often times quite different." I had never thought about it in these simple terms, but it just made so much sense to me. As Ephesians 4:13 says, "Until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith . . ."
So yes, we all need to give each other plenty of grace, when we don't see things the same way and therefore often step on each other's toes in the process! After all, we're just children (of the King), making lots of mistakes and learning as we go. Hopefully we learn to even give grace to those who might not show grace sometimes to us.