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Old 03-22-2021, 06:43 AM   #388
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default The Grey Zone

Originally Posted by Toronto View Post
...there are many groups like this and the people who fall for it are gullible and ignorant college age kids with hardly any real world experience. Most of the elders were also ignorant college age kids with no biblical background and all their biblical knowledge comes from Lee. They did not have the capability to cross reference with sound orthodox teachings because of their ignorance, so they literally think Lee doctrine is the Golden standard of Christianity...
There's a place that I've seen many go, that I call the Grey Zone. They're physically out of the LC, or at the margins anyway. Discouraged after years of waiting for the Shiny New Move of God to pan out, they know that something isn't right. Red flags are waving all around. So they're no longer "sold out" in LC parlance, and have withdrawn, at least partly.

But they're stuck. In my case, I'd left the LC Brother's House, was meeting with 'Christianity' again, but the LSM still partly owned my head. "That's not God's economy" a voice would say, after the Community Church minister was done speaking on Sunday morning. Not too surprising, in retrospect, as I'd been 24/7 immersed in "the church life" for years prior to physically leaving. I wasn't in, I wasn't out, I was in the Grey Zone. Unable to move on in any meaningful way. Not really able to hear God outside of the Subjective Christ in my inner voice, which was highly conditioned to say the least, and thus compromised. Sometimes that inner voice was useful as a guide, often not.

A question therefore, for any who doubt the LC on the ground today, yet still hold many (or all) of their teachings and doctrines in high regard: how can God's economy include intensification, if Paul wrote before John's Revelation was even composed? Where does Paul promote intensification of the Holy Spirit? If he doesn't, how then could he write Timothy to tell him to remain in Ephesus and teach it? If Timothy didn't teach intensification in Ephesus, why call it God's economy today?

It's rather an amalgam, something made up later, and then read back onto Scripture, and presumed to have been there all along. But there's no indication in Paul's writing that it was there. Yes, Paul said, "In the last days mockers will come" and thus shows expectation of degradation, but where does Paul show a seven-fold intensified Spirit as a result of said degradation?

I know some LC members will say, "I don't have a heart for such conversation, I'm just here to enjoy the Lord", but why give yourself to enjoy a teaching that you don't have a heart to discuss? It can only survive in a realm of thoughtless reflexivity. Is that where you want to live? Whether you're currently meeting in the LC, or hardly, or not at all, is that where you want to live, mentally? Christ has called us for freedom.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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