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Old 03-03-2021, 08:47 PM   #180
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Today’s quote by Watchman Nee

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Even the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Who are ONE are different from One another....But I can now understand why back in the 70s, the men wore black skinny ties, white shirts, black pants. Occasionally some in their twenties wore jeans. But not often. Most of the women wore frumpy clothes. Everyone dressed alike. We tried to sound the same in meetings. Subconsciously we were trying to shed our individualistic lives, a la Nee’s goal. (Not God’s goal!) In any case, God created us to look different from each other, with different personalities. But His ultimate goal is for us to be Glorified that we would be one with Him, that we would be the Bride of Christ.
I totally agree that this "knowing the Body life" is not in scripture and I think it is ripe for dangerous misuse.

In comparing the Body of Christ to the human body, Paul so painfully clearly says there are distinctions of members, there are many members, there is not just one member (one giant member or one small one repeated over and over). The lack of distinction that Nee and Lee try to beat people up over the head to attain to produces a dead body in real life. Ours ears are totally different from our eyes from our hands from our collarbone from our toes....and thank God that's the case. Different in form, function, appearance, interaction with other members. That's how He made our bodies, and that how He composed the Body too.
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