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Old 03-03-2021, 08:34 PM   #379
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
I believe I've been judged, categorized and found wanting. Sorry, lots I could say, but - as said somewhere on here earlier - I have no appetite to continue this type of discussion . . . there are just so many, vast riches of Christ we could focus on and have real fellowship about. Blessings to you. (I do ask that you please try not to categorize me further bro)

Describing plainly obvious and repeated behavior and facets of behavior is neither judgment nor categorization, bro.

Your response, in which you try to pass blame for simply identifying what you are doing, try to deflect from what's going on, and try to imply that the truth in one part of the Bible is inferior to or is less rich than other parts of the Bible, or that this fellowship is not "real", is a form of gaslighting. You use the phrase "this type of discussion" (contrasted with "riches of Christ" and "real fellowship") in a clearly denigrating and dismissive way. The reality is that the discussion is the type that is highly interested in what the Bible says.

Untangling an abusive doctrine and setting it right so it can set people free from decades of entrapment isn’t “real” fellowship? You’re deceived, bro. Something inside of you doesn’t seem to like hearing that sins are so serious in God's eyes that they deserve the death penalty, and that we are responsible for our actions……rather than simply being able to skip around blaming a piece of fruit for our problems.

You continually tout the riches of Christ, but your behavior has repeatedly been very subtly manipulative......the furthest thing from Christ.

The reason I'm spending continued time on this is for the benefit of current and future readers and lurkers who have probably encountered this kind of thing in the LC. It's a critical part of the mental exit process to be able to see through forms of manipulation, deflection, and blame, particularly when it is done using Christian-sounding phrases.

The reason I keep responding to you is because you keep using "Christ" and flowery spiritual language to avoid the truth. You take a name that should be held in high regard and misuse it for disingenuous purposes. You use the name of the One who is truth in order to avoid truth. It doesn't affect me in the slightest whether you live your life thinking something came from the fruit or not; it's the repeated deceit behind your responses that I won't ignore. You could have responded any number of honest ways without using “Christ” that way, but you kept doing it, over and over again. That behavior......misusing "Christ" to avoid what is at the core of the spiritual abuse in the local church. I will never stop calling that kind of behavior out as long as you do it.

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